Terms and Conditions for our courses
Please see below our terms and conditions for:
- Weekly courses
- Summer courses
- Video & Photography (relating to all courses)
Course Enrolment and Fees
- Students under 18 require parental/guardian permission to enrol.
- Simply Theatre operates in English; parents should ensure their child’s fluency for full participation.
- Enrolment in weekly courses is for the full academic year. New students may only join at the start of the year.
- Invoices are issued for the full academic year based on your chosen payment plan (yearly, termly, or monthly).
- Course fees include a non-refundable registration fee and a tuition fee. Tuition fees are divided as follows:
- Term 1 (Aug–Dec): 40%, due August 1st
- Term 2 (Jan–Mar): 35%, due December 31st
- Term 3 (Apr–Jun): 25%, due March 31st
- Re-enrolling students do not need to pay the registration fee if they have re-enroled by March 31st.
Trial Period and Withdrawal
- Trial Period: New students can withdraw before the October half-term and receive a refund for unused fees (written notice required). No trial classes are available.
- Withdrawal Notice: For re-enrolling students and new students after October, one term’s notice is required. Notice deadlines are:
- Term 1: June 30
- Term 2: August 31
- Term 3: December 31
- Late payment reminders incur a fee of CHF 10 per correspondence.
Attendance and Safety
- Weekly attendance is mandatory. No refunds or makeup classes are offered for absences. Persistent absences without notice may result in dismissal without a refund.
- Attendance is crucial for the end-of-year showcase. Missing rehearsals may impact participation.
- Students should arrive on time and be picked up promptly. Parents may attend scheduled open classes but not regular weekly classes.
- Simply Theatre is responsible for students only during the class times. Parents of children aged 9 and under should ensure they wait indoors until collected.
- Notify absences through the parent portal. Sick students should stay home.
- The academy may withdraw students for disruptive behaviour without a refund.
Clothing, Uniforms, and Equipment
- Students may bring a water bottle (no glass).
- Complimentary T-shirts are provided at the start of the year and must be worn to every class.
- Drama Classes: Wear the academy T-shirt with comfortable trousers/shorts (no skirts, dresses, or denim). Barefoot or flexible indoor shoes are recommended.
- Performing Arts Courses:
- T-shirt, black jazz pants (boys) or leggings (girls, no logos), and split-sole jazz shoes.
- Students failing to meet uniform requirements after the first week will not be permitted to participate.
Venue Guidelines
- Respect all academy venues and their facilities.
- Students may not enter studio rooms without teacher permission.
- Parents are responsible for costs of damages caused by their children.
Payments, Discounts, Refunds, and Cancellation
- Enrolments & Payments
- Full payment is required in advance. Students cannot begin a course without full payment.
- Refunds & Cancellation
- No refunds are issued within 30 days of the course start date.
- Refunds are issued as follows:
- 30–60 days before the start date: 50%
- 60–90 days before the start date: 75%
- More than 90 days before the start date: 90%
- Discounts
- 10% discount for second and additional siblings.
- 10% discount for students enrolling in more than two courses during the same summer (max 10% discount per student).
- Attendance and Safety
- Students under 18 require parental/guardian permission to attend.
- Parents must provide packed lunches; Simply Theatre does not offer hot lunches.
- Parents are responsible for drop-off and pick-up. Students may arrive up to 20 minutes before the start time (no earlier than 8:40 AM) and must be collected promptly.
- Simply Theatre is responsible for students only during course hours. Students aged 9 and under must wait indoors until collected.
- Notify the Academy in advance (through the parent portal) if a student will be absent. Sick students should remain at home, and the Academy should be informed.
- Missed sessions or absences due to illness are non-refundable.
- The Academy reserves the right to refuse admission or withdraw students whose behaviour disrupts the course or others’ enjoyment.
Clothing and Equipment
- What to Bring
- A water bottle (clearly labelled) is required. No juice, fizzy drinks, or chewing gum are allowed.
- Students with long hair should tie it back for safety and ease of movement.
- Only small stud earrings are permitted; avoid other jewellery.
- Clothing
- Comfortable trousers/shorts that allow free movement must be worn. No skirts, dresses, denim jeans, or denim shorts.
- Outdoor shoes are not allowed inside studios. Students may go barefoot or wear flat, flexible indoor gym or ballet shoes.
- Clearly label clothing and belongings.
- Responsibility for Belongings
- Parents/participants are responsible for personal belongings. Simply Theatre is not liable for lost or damaged items.
- Parents are responsible for any damage caused by their child to Academy property or facilities.
- Training Videos
- Classes may occasionally be recorded for staff training and teacher feedback.
- These recordings are used solely for internal training purposes and will be deleted after feedback is provided.
- Participation in these recordings is mandatory to ensure the quality of our courses.
- Marketing and Social Media
- Separate consent is possible for photos or videos used in newsletters or social media.
- You can remove permission for this through the parent portal under “Waivers and Policies.”
By enrolling, you agree to Simply Theatre’s terms and conditions.
For any questions please visit our FAQs page or get in touch with one of the team.
To view our Parent Portal click here