Simply Theatre Academy runs weekly drama (acting) and performing arts (acting, singing and dance) courses for students aged 4 to 18 at our academies inGeneva, Zurich, Zug, Basel, LausanneandAnnecy. Through a high-quality, bespoke curriculum we strive to enrich lives and brighten futures so that our drama and performing arts students can be confident, happy and reach their full potential.
Our carefully tailored courses build key skills and those along with our caring approach and environment, help to build confidence and lasting friendships. Our magical theatre productions are the icing on the cake, broadening cultural experiences for our students and provide high-quality theatre to English-speaking audiences in Switzerland.
“The teachers and classes are so much fun and yet they are still very professional”
“It’s my favourite place in the world”
“The teachers know what you are capable of so they can push you to your limits but in a comfortable way”
“I’ve made lots of friends in my class and do lots of fun things.”